Jinxy’s Advice for Imperial City – Elder Scrolls Online Imperial City DLC

After playing (probably way too much of) the new Imperial City DLC, I have picked up a few useful tips and advice. Here are some things you may find useful! Note, this guide is not complete, I will constantly be adding to it as I find new things!

  • Grouping is important: Not only will you be facing fairly tough mobs in IC (and REALLY tough bosses,) you will be in constant danger of facing enemy players. My first tip is to group up with fellow allies, especially if you are not much of a PVPer. There are strength in numbers, and traveling in a group will definitely boost your survivability. However, be aware of the danger of enemy player groups.

With that being said….

  • Stick to groups of 12 or less: If you have more than 12 people in a group, you will notice a diminish in rewards and loot. My guild had two groups traveling together and we noticed that some of us did not get any Tel Var stones or loot from enemies. Therefore, a group of 12 or less is ideal.
  • Stock up on Sigils: There is a new item you can purchase for AP called Sigil of Imperial Retreat. I recommend buying as many as you can. They cost 10,000 Alliance Points each, and are bound to your character. You can use a Sigil in the Imperial City to be teleported back to your alliance’s safe zone. This is good to use if you are carrying a lot of Tel Var stones and don’t want to risk losing them. Using a Sigil allows you to teleport back and deposit the stones to your bank. Be aware that they have a cast time, you cannot move while using the stone or you will stop “casting” it, and you must not be in combat when attempting to use the Sigil stone, as it will not work.
  • Remember to repair: Your gear will take a lot of damage as you journey through Imperial City. As mainly a PVPer, I rarely worry about damaging my armor, but after a run through IC I noticed all of my gear was damaged. Try to remember every time you stop at your alliance safe zone to repair your armor!
  • Danger is everywhere: Remember, your only safe zone in IC apart from the PVE dungeons is your Alliance Base in the sewers and the safe respawn points in the districts. Every area outside of that, including the sewers, are PVP zones. You will find enemy players in your sewers!
    • Edit: Apparently, there are safe zones in each district of Imperial City. These are rather hidden buildings that will say “safe zone”. Once you go inside, you will have a sort of barrier over you that prevents you or enemy players from casting any skills, making it impossible to attack each other.
  • Beware the Roaming Bosses: The roaming bosses/sweepers are dangerous. That’s all I can say. My whole group was wiped many times trying to take these bosses down, so if you are not really PVE-savvy or just don’t want to mess with these bosses, avoid them! Stealth around them, but do not aggro them, as they will chase you around and kill you (unless you switch zones).
  • Tel Var Stones: You can see how many Tel Var stones you have on the bottom right hand corner of your screen, or in your inventory if you click on the Currency tab. You can get Tel Var stones by killing any mob in IC, or by killing enemy players. However, you will only get stones from enemy players if they actually have stones on them.

Do you have any tips for Imperial City? Let me know in the comments!

Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial City DLC (PTS) Gameplay/Thoughts!

Hey everyone!

So, the Imperial City DLC has been released on the PTS for PC/Mac users to test out. I’ve been playing it for a few hours since it became available on July 28th, and I have been having a blast. I didn’t think I would love the PVP mixed with PVE as much as I do, because I am mainly a PVPer. The PVE bosses as well as regular mobs that you find in the DLC are actually quite challenging though, so it makes things VERY exciting, especially when you have the risk of being jumped by enemy players! I recorded some random footage while playing, and currently have three videos up on my YouTube channel. These are the videos:

The first video has commentary, and the second and third are strictly game play. I am also mostly soloing in these videos, or following random other friendly players. I am in the process up uploading a random assortment of clips I recorded while grouping with friends in the Imperial City, it should be available later today on my YouTube channel, and will be posted here tonight or early tomorrow!

Overall, I am having a blast with this update, even with the rather frequent crashes I am getting. But hey, it’s the PTS, I’m not surprised that it is crashing. I love the challenge that Imperial City offers (and I haven’t tried out all the new things yet, such as the dungeons.) Many people, myself included, say that ESO’s PVE is far too easy, and this DLC brings a fresh challenge. The new TTK being longer due to reduced damage in PVP is also a welcome change, as one-shotting enemy players is pretty much a thing of the past with this update.

I’m going to do more testing later today on the PTS, so expect more updates and thoughts from me.

So, have you tried out the PTS? What are your thoughts on it? Let me know! 😀